Figure out exactly who your core consumers are & optimize towards them.
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Pure Performance Marketing
Revolutionizing performance marketing for everyone
“Velocity is crucial in marketing. The more campaigns we can put together, the more consumers we can reach, the bigger we feel, and the more touch points we have”
1.4M converted actions
280% increase in incentive traffic
“We were able to tremendously increase our ROI of our incentive campaigns. Using insights from the Hitfluence AI, we learned more about our target consumers to grow our product.”
186K survey conversions
215% increase in organic traffic
“Velocity is crucial in marketing. The more campaigns we can put together, the more pages we can create, the bigger we feel, and the more touch points we have”
10x user signups
280% increase in organic traffic
“Velocity is crucial in marketing. The more campaigns we can put together, the more pages we can create, the bigger we feel, and the more touch points we have”
10x user signups
280% increase in organic traffic
Integrate your current ad data
Hook up your current ad data to our system to get further insights on your incentive campaigns. Compare your incentive, non-incentive, and organic traffic and their behaviors.